Monday, January 5, 2015

MLM and Direct Sales: What to expect in 2015 of Network Marketing Market?

9:15 PM Posted by Unknown , , , No comments
We started the year 2015 with large and positive outlook on the future of MLM and direct sales in Brazil and worldwide.

We formulate our theory, based on the behavior of the best known companies and that were released in the last quarter of 2014.

The behavior of the largest companies and new, following a technical standard, which aims primarily meet standards created from blocks of Telexfree BBOM and powerful, as it would be different, because there is no specific law on the subject.

Important: Because there is no specific law on the subject in Brazil, does not imply illegal act, only that the country did not create rules for both. That is, a country with over 240 million (million people), can not and can not afford even human to create standards and rules for all topics and markets. Thus, we believe that citizens must take their share of responsibility and use the freedom that it is protected by the Constitution and study the companies with the best conditions, and of them if you are interested in or out.

This infomação above is enlightening and helps the general public, to better analyze the comments and posts regularly placed on social networks, speaking evil, slandering or denigrating the image of companies, their directors and even the people who choose to work on it.

It is noteworthy that a negative note on social networks against anyone, against a company, a leadership that worked to bring your contacts that follow, can generate multiple TANNED, COMMENTS, AND EVEN VISUALISÇÕES FOLLOWERS, but let's look at the negative side the so nasty habit of''falar ill of outros'':

  1. Speaking ill of a company, however bad it may seem in their eyes, is hurting the employees of this, the family of all who are working there, dedicating their time and expertise in serving, add, multiply and defend your point of view;
  2. Speaking ill of leadership, is damaging the inner life of the person, because the point of view of one, to the detriment of all, preventing the person prosper or not, according to the Laws of the Market, not to mention yet in this family leadership, which as I follow suffers along with the leader being attacked on social networks without ways to defend;
  3. Judging companies like this or that (Pyramid, Crimes and others): Let's face it: who can judge something or someone and sentence AFTER, and later this something or someone, has the Constitutional rights that are safeguarded AMPLA Defense and The Contradictory, to still fight and show their point of view.
In other words, it would be very simple any idadão accuse anyone or any company of any thing, just based on their understanding and these are judged not even be able to create his defense. In many practical cases, the prosecution loses the action to be wrong and have to indemnify who was accusing.
  1. Spreading in social networks, what their knowledge means be true, still defaming, slandering those who judge, for we see the practical case of Mister Hummingbird company, whose action took place in Rio Grande do Sul, for a single complaint account person:

The company was blocked outright by the Judge and one year after the judgment was rendered, released the company. Occurs, however, that after a year of blocking many, many parallel processes have been filed against this company, and how he could defend it had been blocked?

Thus, out of this negative harvest, we call the positive MLM and Direct Sales for the year 2015:

In late 2014 we were surprised by the very positive and regular behavior of various companies as some will quote below, among so many who are regularly paying their publishers, delivering products and providing quality support:

Companies that are meeting their obligations in Brazil and in the world:

  1. Infinitioption;
  2. MDiet;
  3. Ares Perfumes;
  4. Fankoob;
  5. Ifreex; Is regularly paying their advisers.
  6. LibertáGiá;
  7. Wak Up Now;
  8. Cidiz;
  9. Geteasy (again pay and bring great proposals for MMN at the end of the year and is continuing in 2015);

We apologize to many others that are acting correctly, because we are not aware of the work in Brazil and abroad, but in the future we will be adding to the company list that are HONORING THEIR COMMITMENTS WORLD.

Final thoughts:

The Multilevel Theme and direct sales, is too exploited and healthy is done to look for information at all times.

However, we need to get information securely, not to create an idea of ​​a fact which does not correspond with reality, therefore, can lose big business opportunities and personal and professional success.

According to the reading we did, the behavior of companies MLM and direct sales in the last quarter of 2014, we can assess that consistently, such projects have adopted a more mature and professional attitude, always seeking to promptly honor the commitments made to their communicators.

Therefore, we believe that in 2015, as much as many new companies appear, which is very healthy, we have a strong growth for MLM and direct sales market, which already changes the scenario that occurred in 2014, locks, breaks and locks.

2015 prepares us good surprises and new opportunities.

A great example, I could not miss is the IGetmania company - Geteasy, which created its own bank to operate legally in the world and still, which I consider more important and will reflect on security to its investors in the future:

The Amazing initiative INVEST IN DRUGS - HEALTH through powerful cinteistas in Tel Aviv (Israel) and other countries.

At first it may seem to the heedless, little or nothing significant, but for those who follow markets, this is the largest initiative of all, because let's see how the parameter Gigantic Laboratory medicines worldwide.

This is an operation to long-term will result in powerful gains for its investors.

Congratulations to the Board of Initiative Igetmania and Geteasy.

Congratulations to all companies that however difficult it is to operate in Brazil and the world, are honoring their commitments and keeping firm in this market.

Unitel Association wishes you all a year 2015 very successful and Prosperity.



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